One of the most written about techniques to reshape and train the unconscious mind is affirmations, if you've been hiding under a rock for the past hundred years this simply means that you repeat to yourself beliefs and statements that you want to manifest and experience in your life e.g. "I am confident".
I want to share with you a way of increasing the effectiveness of affirmations by 312% (or thereabouts!). This comes from the Hawaiian system of Huna, which is really becoming popular lately.
Here's the simple method: Make your affirmation and notice any tension that you may be experiencing, it will most likely be in your stomach or chest. Alternatively a minority of people experience tension around the jaw, scan your body until you notice where the tension is held.
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This tension is your subconscious communicating with you, resisting the statement. Now, when you make your affirmation, simply relax and release any physical tension that you experience as you make the statement. Keep those affirmations going until you're not experiencing any tension at all, this may take a while depending upon the level of resistance you have to the new belief you are trying to install; but keep at it, it will happen.
That's it. Give it a try. As with everything that I'm going to share with you - measure it all by how effective it is, not why or how it is effective. If it works keep it, if not then discard it.
One sample:
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